You are creating an innovative professional development policy for your staff.
Your training modules cover a range of subjects and feature technical deep-dives into areas relevant to your business operations, including HSE requirements such as Ethics, Compliance, Company Mission and Values, etc.
These training programs feature a variety of formats: video, text to speech, animation, and text—and they need to be accessed in all the countries in which you work. Your colleagues will buy into the program if—and only if—they can learn in their own language.
Example: Transportation and Logistics modules for Bolloré
3 Modules using specialized technical vocabulary in a cartoon format with more than 15 highly expressive characters.
Languages: French and English
Applications: Articulate 360
An Alliance Designed for International Success

- Sourcing and preparation of all module assets to be localized.
- Commissioning of a team of specialized linguists and a copywriter to ensure that content is casual, localized, and reproduces any wordplay in the original French (such as character names).
- Selection of voiceover actors to portray the different characters.
- Production of over three hours of completely localized online training for all Bolloré employees in the Transportation and Logistics divisions
- Content published simultaneously in FRENCH and ENGLISH—a result of Lexcelera’s expertise in project coordination and project-based team collaboration.
- Lexcelera’s total supervision of all localization and integration provided peace of mind to Bolloré management, allowing them to dedicate their time to the task at hand: the creation of new content.

You want international communications that are both consistent and adapted for local markets, and you want to be able to disseminate the content—which might be anything from the company website to the blog posts that draw people to it— to your regional marketing teams.
Regional management can then cherry pick the content that would appeal most to their market and send it to be localized and published on “local” sites, in local languages.
Example: Digital Marketing management, Essilor International
Languages: English to Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish (sites and articles); German, Swiss Italian, Dutch, and French (articles).
Application: eZ Publish
Masterful Multilingual Communications

- Sourcing of all website assets to be translated
- Commissioning of a transcreation team (domain experts in ophthalmology and optometry and editorial specialists) for each language
- Training of a Lexcelera integration engineer in the CMS
- Localization
- Systems integration and debugging
- Language Sign Off –content proofreading before publication
- Turnkey websites
- Transcreation on demand: each region chooses the most appropriate/relevant local content
- Simultaneous publication of articles in each commissioned language